31 million light years away sits M51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy. Its’ distinctive shape has made it a favorite galaxy to photograph for me since I started this hobby. Originally discovered in
In the constellation Orion there are three easily recognized stars that make up Orion’s Belt. Right below the easternmost star, Alnitak, lies the small nebula Barnard 33 (B33), better known as the Horsehead Nebula.
Our closest Galaxy neighbor is M31, the Andromeda Galaxy. It is a mere 2.5 million light years away from the Milky Way. At a dark enough site it is one of the most distant
M42, The Great Orion Nebula, is the first target for many astrophotographers. Easily located in the constellation Orion, it can be found with the naked eye. With a camera and a few seconds of