Posted on February 1, 2021 By RyanComments Off on Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
70 miles north of Sacramento sits the Sacramento National Wildlife Preserve. It is 10,819 acres of wetland and grassland. We decided we needed a day out so we grabbed our masks and cameras and drove north to see what it had to offer. We were not disappointed.
The Sacramento NWR is a national preserve, so if you have a national parks pass you can use it to get into the site. The main site has a 2 mile wetlands trail to walk, and a 6 mile auto tour. If you visit during the summer there is an additional walking trail and driving loop that were closed during our visit.
We saw a large variety of birds and several deer as we walked and drove through the site. Any photos taken on the driving loop are through the (open) window; you need to remain in the car so that the wildlife is not disturbed.
A lot of photos were taken, some of the bird images are below.
There was an abundance of raptors at the Refuge. Many red-tailed hawks were sitting in trees and soaring above. One of the highlights was watching Bald Eagles circling in the air. I was able to capture some images of the Juvenile Bald Eagle in flight, shown below. While on the driving loop we spotted a large Red-tailed hawk in a tree next to the road. It was so close I had trouble fitting the entire bird in the image frame.
Juvenile Bald Eagle, Sacramento NWR
Raptor images from Sacramento NWR; select an image for larger view
There was a plethora of ducks and geese. I was hoping to find a wood duck, but alas, it was not to be. We did see Northern Shovelers and some Cinnamon Teals. Most the geese we saw were Greater White Fronted geese, I think…
Northern Shoveler, Sacramento NWR
Duck and Geese images from Sacramento NWR; select an image for larger view
Along the wetlands trail we saw several shore birds, notably some Great Egrets, a Snowy Egret, and a Greater Yellowlegs, sometimes called a Marshpiper. In the image below the Snowy Egret was fishing for food, until the Greater Yellowlegs came along and started pestering him. While on the auto tour we saw a Black Crowned Night Heron. He was hiding in the the marsh so the head is behind a branch, but it was the first one I have seen.
Shore bird images from Sacramento NWR; select an image for larger view
My favorite birds we saw were Ring-necked Pheasants seen during the driving tour. This pheasant was walking into the nearby brush when we spotted him and grabbed a few images.
Ring Necked Pheasant, Sacramento NWR
Ringed-Necked Pheasant at Sacramento NWR
This is just a sampling of the innumerable birds we saw. There were also several deer; some fawns, does, and one buck. I would recommend a trip to the Sacramento NWR. This was my first visit, but will probably not be my last.